Oil-free salad dressing

I'm thankful my kids like eating salad.  Fresh lettuce, broiled broccoli, raw carrots ... the works.  They actually enjoy crunching and munching chlorophyll!  I'm thankful I started them young because I've heard horror stories of kids waging war against the greens just like how the Autobots and the Deceptacons crush metal in Cybertron.  Where is the love?

Other than the usual lettuce (and sometimes rockets), broccoli, carrots and Japanese cucumbers, I normally add a touch of raisins and shredded mild cheddar.  It looks colorful and there's a nice assortment of tastes.  I think pine nuts would be delightful too!

I prefer a light dressing that is oil-free and this is one of the easiest dressing to do.  Plus, it's very tasty and healthy.

Ingredients (Just two!)

  • Honey 
  • Lemon juice

That's it!


  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 4 tablespoons of freshly juiced lemon juice. If you prefer it sweeter, just increase the amount of honey to your taste.  
  2. Pour it over the salad just before you serve.
Oil-free and fuss-free.  I like. :-)

And I leave you with this food for thought ...

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  (Proverbs 16:24)


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